2012 … Another Year of Ups and Downs

2012 … Another eventful, unpredictable, crazy year for us. Reflecting on all that has transpired since last January, I feel a little bit exhausted! Still, I remind myself to count my blessings. First and foremost, I am blessed with little ones who we so desperately wanted. Because of my unique fertility challenges (a huge benign tumor that required my ovaries to be deconstructed and then reconstructed, plus stage IV endometriosis), there were no statistics we could rely on to hope that we would ever have children. We were told in 2008 that we should bypass a second round of IVF and try donor eggs. A few years ago, I would have never dreamed that I would have TWO little girls underfoot, and yet here we are. Very lucky!

I so wish, however, that Violet and Layla would have been blessed with a smoother 2012. It was no picnic for me, either, but they were the ones being poked, prodded, and operated on. They have developed medical professional anxiety and have spent way too much time in hospitals. I am counting my blessings to have access to great medical care in our area, but just wish it wouldn’t have been needed!

In the spirit of not being too negative and counting my blessings, I present our highs and lows for this year. I will not be sad to bid this year adieu and am hoping that 2013 leads to much less medical intervention, zero surgeries, and plenty more milestones!

January Highlight: Layla rolled over for the first time!
January Lowlight: Violet had to endure casts for clubfoot treatment and a double tenotomy procedure, her first time under anesthesia.

February Highlights: Both V&L finally started pushing up a little during tummy time! Also, Violet finished the casting process for clubfeet and started wearing a much more comfortable brace.
February Lowlight: Tummy time made them hysterical and made us very nervous worrying that their femurs would fracture underneath their weight.

March Highlight: Six-month birthday!
March Lowlight: Layla was hospitalized for RSV.

April Highlight: Six months fracture-free! First teeth! (They have 12 as of the end of 2012.) First OI clinic. Started showing interest in books!
April Lowlight: Fourth PAM infusion… they are really starting to not like IVs!

May Highlight: Started rolling across the room! Started eating solids and babbling. Violet started wearing her clubfoot brace at nighttime only.
May Lowlight: ??? (The fact that I can’t remember is a good thing!) : )

June Highlight: Lots of walking outside with the stroller in nice weather! Oh-so-close to crawling, and starting to notice more about the world. Violet started sitting up by herself!
June Lowlight: Craniosynostosis diagnosis, Roseola, another round of sickness earlier in the month, and another PAM infusion.

July Highlight: Violet was finally considered strong enough for a regular clubfoot brace. Started pulling up. First swim! Crawling everywhere.
July Lowlight: Started preparing for surgery

August Highlight: Layla pulled up to a standing position on her own for the first time! Watching our baby girl bounce back from major surgery!
August Lowlight: Surgery and everything associated with it.

September Highlight: First birthday!!!!!
September Lowlight: ENT evaluation and plans for Violet’s ear tubes.

October Highlight: First “real” Halloween! (Last year they were six weeks old and had broken bones, so there were clearly no costumes or fun to be had at our house.)
October Lowlight: Violet’s third procedure, ear tubes

November Highlight: Layla started walking!
November Lowlight: A very stressful and exhausting PAM infusion

December Highlight: Violet started standing on her own for a few seconds at a time. Layla started singing to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Violet started doing hand gestures to Itsy Bitsy Spider. Started climbing up our stairs by themselves (with us hovering closely behind).
December Lowlight: Lots of yucky sickness, but nothing major.